John Geigle, John Geigle
Nutritionist |804909 - Nutritionists
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Phone: (570) 842-3050
, Elmhurst, Pennsylvania 18416
Business Name:John Geigle
Contact Person:John Geigle
Elmhurst, Pennsylvania 18416
Office Phone:(570) 842-3050
Office Fax:-
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:5
Industrial Classification(SIC):804909 - Nutritionists

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The office address of John Geigle is Elmhurst, Pennsylvania. John Geigle is the owner or official contact person(). Please call John Geigle at (570) 842-3050 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let John Geigle know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of John Geigle is 804909 - Nutritionists. A nutritionist is a person who advises people on matters of nutrition. In jurisdictions such as the UK and most US states the term nutritionist is not legally protected. As a result, people who refer to themselves as nutritionists may have no officially recognized credentials.

Its estimated number of employees is 5. Its office number is (570) 842-3050. . John Geigle does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more nutritionists near Elmhurst, Pennsylvania before choosing your Nutritionist. Following are some nutritionists in the state of Pennsylvania we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Joy Armillay, Joy Armillay
Call Joy Armillay now: (570) 287-4900
425 Tioga Ave Kingston, PA 18704
Distance: 19.62 miles
(570) 287-4900
Kingston, PA
2. Syman Hirsch, Syman Hirsch
Call Syman Hirsch now: (610) 395-0010
1043 Lowell St Allentown, PA 18104
Distance: 53.65 miles
(610) 395-0010
Allentown, PA
3. Syman Hirsch, Syman Hirsch
Call Syman Hirsch now: (610) 395-0010
1043 Lowell St Allentown, PA 18104
Distance: 53.65 miles
(610) 395-0010
Allentown, PA
4. Home Care Assistance of Lehigh Valley, Rachael Geiger
Call Rachael Geiger now: 484-350-3874
1104 S Cedar Crest Blvd #200 Allentown, PA 18103
Distance: 53.65 miles
Allentown, PA
5. Echelon Allentown Private Investigators | Epsagents, Errette Hugh
Call Errette Hugh now: (484) 408-6411
555 Union Blvd Allentown, PA 18109
Distance: 53.65 miles
(484) 408-6411
Allentown, PA

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