Smith & Klim, Michael T Smith
Optometrist |804201 - Optometrists Od
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (785) 271-8989
1107 SW Gage Blvd # 200, Topeka, Kansas 66604
Business Name:Smith & Klim
Contact Person:Michael T Smith
Address:1107 SW Gage Blvd # 200
Topeka, Kansas 66604
Office Phone:(785) 271-8989
Office Fax:(785) 228-0370
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:7
Industrial Classification(SIC):804201 - Optometrists Od

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Customer Reviews

- Review For Dr. Michael Smith and Dr. Jane Klim from a former employee - - Eva Dresch - 2/15/2023 - comment
I had the privilege to work with Dr.Smith and Dr. Klim as their Optometry Assistant back in 1990 or 1991 when they had their practice on 6th. & Kansas Ave.In Downtown Topeka. They both had an excellent bed side manner they cared about their patients and employees, anymore these days big rental chains and big practices don't take the time to be personable nor do they care to, it's all about numbers getting lots of people in and out.

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The office address of Smith & Klim is 1107 SW Gage Blvd # 200 Topeka, Kansas. Michael T Smith is the owner or official contact person(Partner). Please call Smith & Klim at (785) 271-8989 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Michael T Smith know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Smith & Klim is 804201 - Optometrists Od. Optometrists, also known as Doctors of Optometry(ODs), are the primary health care professionals for the eye. Optometrists examine, diagnose, treat, and manage diseases, injuries, and disorders of the visual system, the eye, and associated structures. They also identify related systemic conditions affecting the eye. Optometrists must have a Doctoral degree in Optometry. Doctor of Optometry programs usually take 4 years to complete after earning a bachelor degree. They must get state license to practice. There are about 34,000 optometrists in United States. In 2010, the median annual salary of optometrists was $95,000.

Its estimated number of employees is 7. Its office number is (785) 271-8989. Its fax number is (785) 228-0370. Smith & Klim does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more optometrists near Topeka, Kansas before choosing your Optometrist. Following are some optometrists in the state of Kansas we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Eyedoctors, Brian J Horsch
Call Brian J Horsch now: (785) 286-0743
4745 NW Hunters Ridge Cir # B Topeka, KS 66618
(785) 286-0743
Topeka, KS
2. Kohake Deutscher & Associates, Cecil B Kohake
Call Cecil B Kohake now: (785) 235-2374
200 SE 6th Ave # 112 Topeka, KS 66603
(785) 235-2374
Topeka, KS
3. Charles G Beier OD, Charles G Beier
Call Charles G Beier now: (785) 266-3285
2400 SW 29th St # 136 Topeka, KS 66611
(785) 266-3285
Topeka, KS
4. Low Vision Clinic, David Nelson
Call David Nelson now: (785) 295-5360
631 SW Horne St # 10b Topeka, KS 66606
(785) 295-5360
Topeka, KS
5. Smith Optometry, Dennis L Smith
Call Dennis L Smith now: (785) 272-6900
1801 SW Wanamaker Rd # 145 Topeka, KS 66604
(785) 272-6900
Topeka, KS

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