Home > Osteopath > Oregon > Roseburg > Stoddard Donald W MD

Stoddard Donald W MD, Siobham O Reilly
Osteopath |803100 - Osteopathic Physician's Office
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Phone: (541) 957-8660
1813 W Harvard Ave # 426, Roseburg, Oregon 97470
Business Name:Stoddard Donald W MD
Contact Person:Siobham O Reilly
Address:1813 W Harvard Ave # 426
Roseburg, Oregon 97470
Office Phone:(541) 957-8660
Office Fax:(-) --
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:-
Industrial Classification(SIC):803100 - Osteopathic Physician's Office

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The office address of Stoddard Donald W MD is 1813 W Harvard Ave # 426 Roseburg, Oregon. Siobham O Reilly is the owner or official contact person(Osteopathy). Please call Stoddard Donald W MD at (541) 957-8660 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Siobham O Reilly know that you know the business and get the phone number from myMedPro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Stoddard Donald W MD is 803100 - Osteopathic Physician's Office. An osteopath, also known as doctor of osteopathic medicine (D.O.) or Osteopathic physician, is a physician who was trained in the field of osteopathic medicine, 'a separate yet equal branch of American medical care'. They are licensed to practice medicine, perform surgery, and prescribe medication. Osteopathy is an approach to healthcare that emphasizes the role of the musculoskeletal system in health and disease. DOs and MDs are considered equal, legally, and in terms of their authority to diagnose and treat various health conditions, prescribe medications, and perform surgery.

Its estimated number of employees is -. Its office number is (541) 957-8660. Its fax number is (-) --. Stoddard Donald W MD does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more osteopaths near Roseburg, Oregon before choosing your Osteopath. Following are some osteopaths in the state of Oregon we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Charles P Hundley Do, Charles Hundley
Call Charles Hundley now: (541) 440-0483
1813 W Harvard Ave # 343 Roseburg, OR 97470
(541) 440-0483
Roseburg, OR
2. William J Bernstein MD, William Bernstein
Call William Bernstein now: (541) 267-0330
1925 Thompson Rd Coos Bay, OR 97420
Distance: 36.97 miles
(541) 267-0330
Coos Bay, OR
3. Sandra Kalnins DO, Sandra Kalnins
Call Sandra Kalnins now: (541) 685-9861
5 E 24th Ave Eugene, OR 97405
Distance: 58.31 miles
(541) 685-9861
Eugene, OR
4. Rogue Valley Physicians, Alan Bates
Call Alan Bates now: (541) 664-1247
615 S 2nd St Central Point, OR 97502
Distance: 61.5 miles
(541) 664-1247
Central Point, OR
5. A Malcolm Shirley Do, Malcolm Shirley
Call Malcolm Shirley now: (541) 664-5505
615 S 2nd St Central Point, OR 97502
Distance: 61.5 miles
(541) 664-5505
Central Point, OR

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