Edward T Hurwitz DPM, Edward T Hurwitz
Podiatrist |804301 - Podiatrists
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Phone: (617) 268-7772
394 W Broadway, South Boston, Massachusetts 02127
Business Name:Edward T Hurwitz DPM
Contact Person:Edward T Hurwitz
Address:394 W Broadway
South Boston, Massachusetts 02127
Office Phone:(617) 268-7772
Office Fax:(617) 268-8832
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:3
Industrial Classification(SIC):804301 - Podiatrists

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The office address of Edward T Hurwitz DPM is 394 W Broadway South Boston, Massachusetts. Edward T Hurwitz is the owner or official contact person(). Please call Edward T Hurwitz DPM at (617) 268-7772 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Edward T Hurwitz know that you know the business and get the phone number from myMedPro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Edward T Hurwitz DPM is 804301 - Podiatrists. A podiatrist, also known as doctor of podiatric medicine(DPM) or podiatric physician or surgeon, is a doctor that diagnoses and treats conditions affecting the foot, ankle, and related structures of the leg. They are licensed to diagnose illnesses, treat injuries, and perform surgery. Podiatrists must have a Doctoral degree in Podiatric Medicine (DPM) and completed a medical and surgical residency. There are about 13,000 podiatrists in United States. In 2010, the average annual salary of podiatrists was about $118,000.

Its estimated number of employees is 3. Its office number is (617) 268-7772. Its fax number is (617) 268-8832. Edward T Hurwitz DPM does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more podiatrists near South Boston, Massachusetts before choosing your Podiatrist. Following are some podiatrists in the state of Massachusetts we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Beth Israel Deaconess Podiatry, Andrea Stephenson
Call Andrea Stephenson now: (617) 632-8428
185 Pilgrim Rd Boston, MA 02215
Distance: 2.28 miles
(617) 632-8428
Boston, MA
2. Immunetics, Andrew Levin
Call Andrew Levin now: (617) 492-5416
27 Drydock Ave # 6 Boston, MA 02210
Distance: 2.28 miles
(617) 492-5416
Boston, MA
3. Boston Foot Specialist,
Call now: (617) 426-7557
8 Winter St Boston, MA 02108
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(617) 426-7557
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4. Beth Israel Deaconess Med Center, Carl A F Rasmussen
Call Carl A F Rasmussen now: (617) 632-9202
185 Pilgrim Rd Boston, MA 02215
Distance: 2.28 miles
(617) 632-9202
Boston, MA
5. Countway Librbary Of Medicine,
Call now: (617) 432-4888
10 Shattuck St Boston, MA 02115
Distance: 2.28 miles
(617) 432-4888
Boston, MA

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