Neuro-Recovery, Glen Johnson
Psychologist |804922 - Psychologists
(2 ratings, 2 comments)
Phone: (231) 929-7358
5123 N Royal Dr, Traverse City, Michigan 49684
Business Name:Neuro-Recovery
Contact Person:Glen Johnson
Address:5123 N Royal Dr
Traverse City, Michigan 49684
Office Phone:(231) 929-7358
Office Fax:-
Office Email:-
Estimated Staff:8
Industrial Classification(SIC):804922 - Psychologists

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Customer Reviews

- Registered Nurse - - Nina Stevenson - 9/7/2015 - comment
In 1996 I was hit by a vehicle while crossing a road on my snowmobile. I sustained multiple injuries. The most trematic being a TBI. I had just graduated nursing school three weeks earlier with my BSN. Dr Johnson and his wonderful staff helped me regain and relearn and maintain and live again. I will never be able to repay them for all that they helped me with.I stayed there at neuro-recovery for 6 months and worked my butt off but, WE did it!!! I went on the pass my state boards and have worked as a nurse for 18 years. I do have struggles and do wish as times I had a better support system but, I do it. Every day I get up and I do it!! I would highly recommend Dr Johnson and his staff. Matter of fact I wouldn't look anywhere else. They will help you.

- Dr Glen Jonhson Traver City Mi - - John Hull - 2/5/2014 - comment
I was hurt in March 2011 in a trench cave in I received a brain injury do to a blow to the head. I have experienced loss of blocks of time, difficulty concentrating, and all most constant headache's! My wife had done some research on the web and found Dr Johnsons site. After reading how Dr Johnson approached these issues we were very excited to go see him. Upon meeting DR Johnson we weren't disappointed!! He is very professional and easy to talk to. He takes the time to listen to you and is up to date with the new techniques that are out there! I have a very high pain level which doesn't allow to sit for long periods. DR Johnson was very accommodating during the test allowing me to take several breaks during test. His report did take awhile to get but was more than worth the wait! We had seen another doctor befor DR Johnson's, and his report was twice as throw as the first DR we had seen!! I would highly recommend DR Johnson! Especially if your dealing with a work comp case, there are no grey areas in his reports!! Thank you John Hull

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The office address of Neuro-Recovery is 5123 N Royal Dr Traverse City, Michigan. Glen Johnson is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Neuro-Recovery at (231) 929-7358 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Glen Johnson know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Neuro-Recovery is 804922 - Psychologists. A psychologist is someone who studies the mind and behavior of humans and other animals. Research psychologists study perception, cognition, attention, emotion, motivation, personality, behavior and interpersonal relationships. Most typically, a psychologist deals with patients who are suffering mental health problems, providing these patients with counseling or psychotherapy.

Its estimated number of employees is 8. Its office number is (231) 929-7358. . Neuro-Recovery has a web site at

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Call Ann C O'Donnell now: (231) 929-4399
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2. Ann Marie Love PHD, Ann Marie Love
Call Ann Marie Love now: (231) 947-2292
13685 S West Bay Shore # W102 Traverse City, MI 49684
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3. Barbara Jones Smith PHD, Barbara Jones Smith
Call Barbara Jones Smith now: (231) 947-1444
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4. Elizabeth G Bruning PHD, Elizabeth G Bruning
Call Elizabeth G Bruning now: (231) 935-0790
10850 E Traverse Hwy # 4000 Traverse City, MI 49684
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5. Center For Wellness & Reltnshp, Gary Vann
Call Gary Vann now: (231) 947-2990
3491 Hartman Rd Traverse City, MI 49684
(231) 947-2990
Traverse City, MI

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