Edgar W Kopp, Edgar W Kopp
Psychotherapist |804924 - Psychotherapists
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Phone: (502) 899-1928
101 Crescent Ave, Louisville, Kentucky 40206
Business Name:Edgar W Kopp
Contact Person:Edgar W Kopp
Address:101 Crescent Ave
Louisville, Kentucky 40206
Office Phone:(502) 899-1928
Office Fax:(502) 895-0558
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:5
Industrial Classification(SIC):804924 - Psychotherapists

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The office address of Edgar W Kopp is 101 Crescent Ave Louisville, Kentucky. Edgar W Kopp is the owner or official contact person(). Please call Edgar W Kopp at (502) 899-1928 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Edgar W Kopp know that you know the business and get the phone number from myMedPro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Edgar W Kopp is 804924 - Psychotherapists. Psychotherapy or personal counseling with a psychotherapist, is an intentional interpersonal relationship used by trained psychotherapists to aid a client or patient in problems of living. It aims to increase the individual's sense of their own well-being. Psychotherapists employ a range of techniques based on experiential relationship building, dialogue, communication and behavior change and that are designed to improve the mental health of a client or patient, or to improve group relationships (such as in a family).

Its estimated number of employees is 5. Its office number is (502) 899-1928. Its fax number is (502) 895-0558. Edgar W Kopp does not have a web site in our record.

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Call Susan Callen now: (502) 429-0081
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2. Madeline Reno, Madeline Reno
Call Madeline Reno now: (502) 458-2202
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3. Mary F Zriny, Mary F Zriny
Call Mary F Zriny now: (502) 894-0437
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4. Jessica Eslinger, Jessica Eslinger
Call Jessica Eslinger now: (502) 721-0300
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5. Joan Zehnder, Joan Zehnder
Call Joan Zehnder now: (502) 459-6980
2080 Sherwood Ave Louisville, KY 40205
(502) 459-6980
Louisville, KY

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