Gail Streisand, Gail Streisand
Psychotherapist |804924 - Psychotherapists
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (914) 366-0530
245 N Broadway, Sleepy Hollow, New York 10591
Business Name:Gail Streisand
Contact Person:Gail Streisand
Address:245 N Broadway
Sleepy Hollow, New York 10591
Office Phone:(914) 366-0530
Office Fax:-
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:5
Industrial Classification(SIC):804924 - Psychotherapists

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Customer Reviews

- The therapist seems like the patient - - Anonymous user - 4/29/2017 - comment
Therapy with Gail Streisand feels like she is the patient and you are the therapist. She tells detailed personal stories, and often repeats them from one session to the next. The point is apparently to show that if you think you've had it bad, she's had it worse. It is very dsyfunctional. I wish I had never gone to her. She wants to feel better through getting sympathy from patients, and that is not right.

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The office address of Gail Streisand is 245 N Broadway Sleepy Hollow, New York. Gail Streisand is the owner or official contact person(). Please call Gail Streisand at (914) 366-0530 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Gail Streisand know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Gail Streisand is 804924 - Psychotherapists. Psychotherapy or personal counseling with a psychotherapist, is an intentional interpersonal relationship used by trained psychotherapists to aid a client or patient in problems of living. It aims to increase the individual's sense of their own well-being. Psychotherapists employ a range of techniques based on experiential relationship building, dialogue, communication and behavior change and that are designed to improve the mental health of a client or patient, or to improve group relationships (such as in a family).

Its estimated number of employees is 5. Its office number is (914) 366-0530. . Gail Streisand does not have a web site in our record.

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